RED SOFT is a participant of "IT Security Day" by TAdviser

TAdviser "IT Security Day" will be held in Moscow on April 7, 2021. At the conference, the RED SOFT team will present a new version 7.3 of the RED OS operating system and a solution for arranging a remote workplace based on the RED OS "Work at Home".

RED OS is a Russian Linux family operating system for servers and workstations, that provides a universal environment for application software. The product is certified by the FSTEC of Russia (№4060 of 12.01.2019), that confirms its compliance with information security requirements and allows its use in government information systems. RED OS is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Software and Databases of the Ministry of Communications of Russia (No.3751).

The "Work at Home" solution is used to set up a remote workplace using the RED OS. LiveUSB with the RED OS operating system allows you to work in two modes: terminal or workstation. "Terminal mode" provides connection to a remote desktop or VDI infrastructure. "Workstation" functions in read/write mode, contains a basic set of applications to work with and is a full-featured operating system.

The conference will be held at: Novy Arbat str. 32, Moscow (Moscow Marriott Hotel Novy Arbat, Pushkin Hall). It will start at 10.00.

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