Red Soft got a membership in the Coordination Council for Information Technologies of military industrial complex of the Russian Federation

April 1, 2015, "Red Soft" LLC joined the Military industrial complex of the Russian Federation Coordination Council for the Information Technology(the "KS "IT-OPK"). 
The "KS "IT-OPK" is a permanent expert, consultative and deliberative public body facilitating the joint activities of the government authorities representatives, Military industrial complex IT executives (Deputy CIO, CIO, head of IT Department or IT Division, etc.) and IT business enterprise managers (CEO, Deputy CEO, Software and management system development and implementation enterprise CEO) (see http://www.итопк.рф/files/pologhenie_ks_itopk.doc). The Chairman of the Coordination Council "IT-OPK" is Valery V.Bordyuzha, (see http://www.итопк.рф/files/predsedatel_ks_itopk.doc).