RED SOFT and RAMEC-VS have agreed on strategic cooperation

Russian software developer RED SOFT and system integrator RAMEK-VS signed a cooperation agreement. The companies will develop Russian software and hardware solutions to strengthen the technological sovereignty of the country.

The solemn signing of the agreement took place today, April 6, at the all-Russian forum-exhibition "GOSZAKAZ".

The companies are to cooperate in the development of new technologies and expansion of the range of users of national software and hardware systems.

Earlier, RED SOFT and RAMEC-VS already reported the first results of their cooperation - the RAMEC RM-23 and RAMEC TSUNAMI series successfully operate under the RED operating system. The confirmed compatibility meets import substitution requirements and is ready for further operation, including at critical information infrastructure facilities.

"The transition to domestic software and hardware is a process that requires a contribution, first and foremost, from Russian developers. We need to exchange useful information and experience and share expertise. But, even more importantly, together we need to create ready-made solutions for employees of government agencies and state corporations, which are in particular need of them now. Only together can we solve the tasks we have been given", - Maxim Anisimov, RED SOFT CEO, commented.

"We are joining our efforts to introduce in the nearest future to the market fully compatible Russian IT solutions that can successfully compete with their foreign counterparts in terms of functionality, reliability and security, which meets the current needs and expectations of our customers", - Andrey Beltov, Managing Partner of RAMEK-VS, said.