RED OS compatibility with QSRV server gives new opportunities to domestic users

RED SOFT and QTECH experts have conducted tests confirming the compatibility and proper operation of the QTECH QSRV server with the RED OS operating system on board. The testing of the equipment was carried out with the new version of the software for servers based on Xeon Scalable. The results are reflected in the bilateral certificate.

QTECH QSRV server platforms are enterprise-class dual-processor servers, based on the latest Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, providing up to 4 times higher computing performance, full-featured support of high-speed NVMe storage. RED OS is a Russian Linux family operating system for servers and workstations, that provides a universal environment for application software. The product is certified by the FSTEC of Russia (№4060 of 12.01.2019), that confirms its compliance with information security requirements and allows its use in government information systems.

RED OS is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Software and Databases of the Ministry of Communications of Russia (No.3751).

"QTECH server and RED OS compatibility is another successful example of creating an import-independent stack. The development of partnerships between Russian companies right now enables all organizations interested in import substitution to switch to domestic software with confidence. I would like to thank my colleagues from QTECH for the joint work we have done!", - Rustam Rustamov, Deputy RED SOFT CEO, commented.

"Getting the certificate is very important for QTECH. It is a serious competitive advantage, allowing us to offer the market a multipurpose solution for deployment of application software based on Russian-developed operating systems. Moreover this product meets the information security requirements and can be used by a wide range of customers, focused on Russian developed software", - Pavel Bondarenko, the head of "Server Solutions" direction, says.