OKB SAPR and RED SOFT are developing cooperation

The compatibility and correctness of OKB SAPR protection tools and RED SOFT products has been confirmed. The result is reflected in bilateral certificates.

The RED OS ecosystem was supplemented with the following protection against unauthorized access to PC tools: "INAF", "Accord-AMDZ", and "Accord-MKT". "PKZ 2020" also started working under this domestic operating system.

RED Virtualization, RED SOFT's composite solution for managing server and workstation virtualization, is also compatible with the Accord-KVM tamper protection tool.

"Integration of RED SOFT products and protection tools by OKB SAPR will enable our customers not only to build, but also to modify and develop their systems in the future without changing their key design solutions because compatibility of seven of our products with RED OS and the RED Virtualization Composite Solution has been confirmed to date. We would like to thank RED SOFT for our long-term cooperation", Vyacheslav Pinchuk, Commercial Director of OKB SAPR, commented.

"Building strong long-term links between domestic developers and creating integrated solutions is an important and responsible work, the result of which should be the technological sovereignty of the country. The work on ensuring compatibility of OKB SAPR products with RED OS meets the state interests in the area of import substitution", said Rustam Rustamov, Deputy RED SOFT CEO.